Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Such a Pretty Fat and Zombies

I am in this little book club with some of my teacher friends at school. It's been really great; reading, eating, sharing, eating...but I digress. The first book we read was Sarah's Key by Tatiana deRosnay. Absolutely an amazing book! It was about this little French girl who gets taken to a concentration camp during WWII and how her story parallels with an author in modern day Paris. I usually don't cry when reading (only because I look like Chris Farley after a workout--"fat guy in a little coat...") but this book was so good that I cried for most of the last half of the book.
The second book we read was "A Child Called It". It's a true story based on one of the most horrific cases of child abuse in the state of California. A real downer. I didn't cry but it made me want to punch his mother in the nose. Afterwards, I followed Ethan around and kept telling him how much I love him. I think that he thought I was crazy...maybe I am...
Okay, so after two REALLY SAD and DEPRESSING books, we decided to read "Such a Pretty Fat..." by Jen Lancaster. This woman is me, minus the filthy language and surliness (Her, not me. I don't think that I am surly. However, I do use the word "CRAP" a lot.) The book was about her pursuit to lose weight, even though she really doesn't want to because she likes food too much. Seriously, every thing that she details about losing weight (the doctor's visit, knocking things over on tables with her keester, and lots and lots of butter) is me to a tee. I laughed all the way through because I have so been there more times than I care to count. It's just so hard to lose weight when there are such things as Oreo Cakesters and Krispy Kreme donuts.
So, the other night at our book club get-together, we decided on "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards for our next book. (It looks tragic! I'll let you know when I'm done.) Since I borrowed Dana's copy of the last book, I decided to go by Target and get this book instead of mooching off my friends. While I was there, I also picked up "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. I figured that if I was ever in a situation that warranted some basic knowledge of zombie survival skills, I might need to read up. (Hey, you never know!) Just don't dress up like a zombie or you might just become an unwilling target.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging. I love to blog. I will add ur url to my blog's roll call:) Check out my blog at www.meyermanor.blogspot.com. I mostly post pics and happenings of the gkids and family.
