Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh, Trader Joe' I love thee...

Jas and I went to Trader Joe's on Friday while we were in St. Louis.  It was love at first sight!  Good grief, they have so many wonderful products and they are relatively cheap.  We picked up 4 containers of coffee, a couple of 3 buck Chucks, trail mix, salad dressing, 100% real maple syrup, mini PB cups, chocolate covered PB crackers, and whoopee pies.  What is a "Whoopee Pie", you ask?  Well, are you in for a treat!  If you have never had a whoopee pie, google it.  And then make some.  And then invite me over to be the "Official Taste Tester of the Whoopee Pie". WOWEE, WOW, WOW!
However, it will be a long distance love affair; we discovered that they don't ship products and the closest one to us is St. Louis.  And...they probably won't put one in because they sell wine and OK liquor laws prevent the sale of wine in grocery stores.  OY!  I wonder if I can sell my St. Louis family on my love affair so that they might shop and ship for me...  :)

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