Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corey Haim is dead...

Okay, I just read where Corey Haim died this morning of an "accidental" overdose.  First of all, think about the term "accidental overdose".  How do you "accidentally" take a handful of pills?  Did the Drug Fairy slip in and push them into his mouth whilst he was sleeping?  Did he just decide "Hey, I think I'll have the Ambien/Zanax/Hydrocodone value meal before I go to bed.  Make that supersized!"?  How does one go about "accidentally" taking a lethal combo of drugs?
I read the story on (where I get ALL of my late breaking news!).  They have this picture of him and it was BAAAADDD!  Good grief, I didn't realize that he was 38!  The years since "The Lost Boys" have not been kind. 
I think I'll go mourn his passing with a large cup of coffee and a trip down memory lane.....

1 comment:

  1. I am totally with you on this one - I have always wondered how you 'accidentally' overdose as well. Lovin' the blog by the way - I think I might just start mine up again. :)
